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Twist and Untwist bowstrings and cables on compound bows

Or shorthen / lengthen bowstring and cables twisting bowstrings-cables and how affect to  your bow setup and  performance. This indications are offered as a starting point to know how compound bows react to bowstring and cables length when their lengths are short or long. As always follow the bow manufacturer instructions to tune your bow. They have the last word.

On this solocam systems,  lengths of bowstring and cables, affect each other and the timing of the cams movement, so need to be in sync.
On twin cam cam systems, lengths of both cables, affect each other and the timing of the cams movement, so need to be in sync.
On Cam & Half cam systems lengths of both cables, yoke and control, affect each other and the timing of the cams movement, so need to be in sync.

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